#806 El Ciprés , El Salvador


Roast Levels

Cupping Score: 87
Light Roast Strawberries, raspberry, earl grey
Roaster’s Choice Mixed berries, earl grey, milk chocolate.
Dark Roast  Not available

El Ciprés, El Salvador

This batch of red bourbon from El Ciprés was bought at auction. And you know what that means: truly excellent beans. Grown high up, above 1400m in Jejapa, El Salvadore. High elevation beans like these qualify as SHB (Strictly Hard Beans). Basically, "these beans struggled to grow in the cold mountains, resulting in concentrated flavours". Also, you know, they are hard (hope you have a good grinder!).

As with all beans in the Curious Collection, the flavours here are not your usual suspects of nuts and chocolate. Expect a nose of sweet mixed berries, Earl Grey tea and a silky smooth finish. The roaster's choice level will sacrifice a bit of the characteristic berry taste to mix in some seductive milk chocolate.

Roast Profiles

Light Roast

Pepper & Spices
Milk Chocolate
Nutty, Cocoa​
Earl Grey Tea
Strawberry, Raspberry

A light roast highlights the sweet fruit in this coffee, and balances with the additional complexity of Earl Grey Tea and a touch of chocolate.

Roaster's Choice

Pepper & Spices
Milk Chocolate
Nutty, Cocoa
Earl Grey Tea
Mixed Berries

Roaster’s Choice reduces the berries, instead bringing out more milk chocolate notes.

Dark Roast

Pepper & Spices
Nutty, Cocoa
Nutty, Cocoa​

Dark roast brings out the nuts and preserves some of the apricot and tropical fruitiness.

If it’s good for the planet it’s good for you.

The El Ciprés Farm

The delightful sweetness of El Ciprés comes from its taste (duh) and also the effort they put into the land and people who grow it. As a Certified member of the Sustainable Agriculture Network and the Rainforest Alliance, El Ciprés is awesomely focused on producing coffee holistically.

The El Cipres farm

El Ciprés family believes that by taking care of the land, the people who farm it, the natural wildlife and cool mountain waters, they will foster success. The farm has set aside 5 hectars of their property as protected forest. The other 90 hectars of land employ shade grown coffee techniques to protect the local flora and encourage native fauna. By selling their coffee at auction for high prices they are able to invest in the farmers who work the land by paying them fair wages and providing clean lodging for their families.

Learn more about El Ciprés and the Sustainable Agriculture Network by clicking below, but don’t forget to try the coffee!

El Ciprés Coffee | Café El Salvador
Sustainable Agriculture Network

Resting Your Coffee

Right after roasting, coffee needs some time to chill for a minimum of three days. Our roasting cycle ensures that when you receive the beans, it’ll already have rested the minimum needed. However, the flavours will continue to improve over a time. How long? Well that depends on the roasting level you ordered.

Generally your coffee will be at it’s peak after:

Light: 7-9 days after roast date
Roaster’s Choice: 5-7 days after roast date
Dark: 3-5 days after roast date

But every bean and person is different so please experiment and find what works for you!

No Pre-Ground Beans?

Unfortunately no. We would love to make your experience as convenient as possible, and while grinding your own beans is firmly in the mildly to very annoying category, we simply can’t do this for you.

The reason being, the second you grind your beans, you expose every nook and cranny to delicious coffee’s nemesis: oxygen. Too much oxygen and your coffee can go stale before you receive it in the post.

As delicious tasting coffee is our most important product we can’t take the risk of sending you a convenient but bland ground beans. Our best advice would be for you to buy a grinder.